File Guidelines
For optimal results, please convert your art to process CMYK, and save your print files as pdfs with appropriate crops and bleed. Please note that all art is converted to CMYK for print with the exception of special order offset printing using Pantone colors. (If you are interested in offset printing, please contact us directly for more info and quotes.) All website pricing is based on the client submitting print ready pdf art files. If files are deemed not print ready, additional prepress charges maybe applyed to your order to cover the cost of adjusting your art.
If you know we will need to edit your art, please submit a packaged InDesign or Illustrator file that includes all of your fonts and linked assets. Click HERE for instructions on how to package your files.
If you are unfamilliar with how to setup you files with crops and bleed, please click HERE for our detailed guide.
If you are designing your art files in Canva, please folow the instructions below:
All Canva files must be converted to pdf before submitting to us for print. This does require you to have a Pro subscription. We cannot work on your files directly in Canva. Please click HERE for instructions on setting up your Canva files for print. For best results, always save your print files as CMYK rather than RGB.
Templates (COMING SOON)
If you are designing your own artwork, you can download our templates in InDesign, Illustrator and PDF format. They provide information and guidelines on product dimensions, folding, bleed and layout to make creating print ready files easier. Templates can help make sure your files are set up at the correct size, contain proper bleeds, and are in a format that will process without technical glitches.
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
3.5"x2" |
2"x3.5" |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
2"x8" |
2"x6" |
2.75"x8.5" |
BROCHURES 8.5"x11" |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
Accordion fold |
Double gate fold |
Double Parallel fold |
Flat (no folding) |
Gate fold |
Half fold |
Roll fold |
Tri-fold |
Z-fold |
BROCHURES 8.5"x14" |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
Accordion fold |
Double gate fold |
Double Parallel fold |
Flat (no folding) |
Gate fold |
Half fold |
Roll fold |
Tri-fold |
Z-fold |
BROCHURES 11"x17" |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
Accordion fold |
Double gate fold |
Double Parallel fold |
Flat (no folding) |
Gate fold |
Half fold |
Roll fold |
Tri-fold |
Z-fold |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
4.25"x5.5" |
4"x6" |
4.25"x6" |
4.25"x11" |
5"x7" |
4"x9" |
5.5"x8.5" |
6"x9" |
8.5"x3.5" |
8.5"x11" |
8.5"x14" |
11"17" |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
3.5"X8.5" |
4.25"x11" |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
5.5"x8.5" (folded to 5.5"x4.25") |
7"x10" (folded to 5"x7") |
8.5"x11" (folded to 5.5"x8.5") |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
9"x12" - two pockets |
9"x12" - left pocket |
9"x12" - right pocket |
.indd |
.ai |
.pdf |
#9 |
#10 |
6-3/4 Remittance |
6"x9" booklet |
9"x6" catalog |
9"x12" booklet |
12"x9" catalog |
A2 |
A6 |
A7 |
A9 |